Friday 20th January
P.T.A MEETING - MONDAY 23rd JANUARY @ 6pm in the school hall. ALL PARENTS WELCOME
PENNY WARS - Monday 23rd - Friday 27th January
The PTA will be fundraising with 'Penny Wars'. Please send any spare coins to school for your childs class jar. This will be running Monday 23rd - Friday 27th January. The winning class will receive an interactive activity for an hour in the school hall.
HEADLICE - We have had a case of headlice reported please can parents check their childs hair.
National Literacy and Numeracy Tests 3rd - 10th MAY 2017
Mount Pleasant Primary School will be administering the National tests for Literacy and Numeracy between 3rd and 10th May 2017. It is vital that all children are in school on these days. The tests will last about an hour each and are constructed so that our younger learners will be able to sit them in 'chunks'. They will be delivered on a year group or small group basis. The reading test will consist of a number of passages followed by short, closed response and multiple choice type questions. There are two numeracy tests; a procedural test for knowledge and understanding and a reasoning test for application of skills and problem solving. The tests will be marked in school and learners' raw scores will be converted to standardised scores. The standardised score will show how your child's performance in the test compares to other children of the same age who have sat the test in Wales. Test results and comparative data will be sent out at the end of the year. Parent workshops will be arranged prior to the testing period, we hope you will be able to attend.
Digital Competence Framework
The curriculum at Mount Pleasant Primary School is skills focused and relevant to the 21st Century. As a School we have been using the Literacy and Numeracy Framework to develop skills across the curriculum for some time. The Digital Competency Framework (DCF) has been developed by Welsh Government to help achieve digitally competent learners. This is now being used alongside the Literacy and Numeracy Framework. Literacy, Numeracy and Digital skills are a strong focus across the curriculum and are discussed within each lesson. Please help your child by asking your child about skills they have been taught and that have been applied each day. Thank you for your support.
This Newsletter is also available in large print.