Friday 6th Sept

Welcome Back

Dear Parent/Guardian,
Welcome back to the start of the new term following a lovely summer break.  We look forward to working with our Mount Pleasant family over the coming academic year.

Pupils have settled into the school routine exceptionally well and are a credit to you all, they have returned in exemplary uniform, thank you for your support with this. I’d like to welcome our new pupils to Mount Pleasant as they start their learning journey. I look forward to following their progress.

A big thank you to all of the Staff at Mount Pleasant for making the first week of the new term such a happy and exciting one.

I thank you in anticipation of your support.

Yours sincerely,

Fiona Rutledge



Well done to Emma Wild, Sophie Benning and Deacon Williams for being three of the winners of the Rogerstone Community Council Schools competition. Parents, carers and school representatives were invited to the Council Chambers at Ty du Welfare grounds this week to celebrate and receive their prizes. I was thrilled that Mount Pleasant had three winners, well done to everyone who entered. Thanks to Stephen Bowen (Governor and Chair of Rogerstone Community Council) who works tirelessly for the school and community.


After School Clubs

Clubs are due to start Monday 16th September, a google sign up sheet will go out at 4.00pm on Wednesday 11th September. Your child will be informed if they have a place in a club this term. Please be reassured that we try to accommodate as may pupils in club as possible. Thanks to the staff for giving up their own time to deliver this after school provision.


Dates for the Diary

Autumn Term

  • 4th September return to school
  • Monday 9th September Governors AGM meeting
  • Monday 16th September Clubs to start  3.15pm – 4.00pm (More information to come)
  • Wednesday 9th October - Flu Immunisations to take place (Whole School)
  • Thursday 10th October - Harvest Festival
  • Friday 11th October - Colorfoto ( Individual Photos)
  • Friday 18th October – Show Racism the Red Card. Pupils to wear red to school  (More information to come)
  • Wednesday 23rd October – Thursday 24th October – Parent Consultations for Nursery – Y6  (Look out for booking link on Teachers 2 Parents)
  • 28th October – 1st November Half term Break
  • 4th November Return to School


Training Days

  • Monday 2nd September – Training Day
  • Friday 25th October – Training Day
  • Friday 20th December – Training Day
  • Friday 21st February – Cluster Training Day
  • Friday 2nd May - Training Day
  • Monday 21st July – Training Day


School Year Term dates and holidays





Autumn Term 2024

Monday 02 September

Friday 20 December

Autumn Half Term 2024

Monday 28 October

Friday 01 November

Spring Term 2025

Monday 06 January

Friday 11 April

Spring Half Term 2025

Monday 24 February

Friday 28 February

Summer Term 2025

Monday 28 April

Monday 21 July

Summer Half Term 2025

Monday 26 May

Friday 30 May