Friday 30th June



Children can dress up as their favourite book character on Monday 10th July.

EXTRAVAGANZA - Thursday 13th July 6 - 8pm

On Thursday 13th July we will be holding our Music Extravaganza on the back field.  You will be entertained by your children singing a variety of songs.  Please bring a blanket and picnic.  The front gates will open at 5:45pm for a 6pm start.  TICKETS ON SALE FOR ADULTS from the school office £2 per ticket from Wednesday 28th June.  Refreshments will be on sale.

YR 6 LEAVERS CONCERT - Tuesday 18th July @ 1:30pm

PTA DISCO'S - Wednesday 19th July

Infants @ 5 - 6pm (parents must stay)

Juniors @ 6:15 - 7:15pm

Yr 6 extra half an hour until 7:45pm

Refreshments will be on sale


Yr 6 Bowling - Thursday 20th July paid for by PTA


INSET DAY - Friday 21st July school closed. 


PTA are reintroducing the Friday afterschool cake stall from Friday 28th April.  Please send in shop bought donation of cakes on the following dates.


YR 5

Friday 7th  July


YR 6

Friday 14h July



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