Mount Pleasant's Inspection Report 2013- we are rather proud!
To read the full report click here.
Our last inspection in February 2007 was, on the whole, pretty good. Importantly, it set the school several ambitious targets, creating a new context for us to work within.
Since February 2007 we have committed to a huge programme of continuous improvement covering every area of school life. Central to all this improvement has always been one question; will this have a positive impact for our children?
We have created a system of responsive improvement planning focused around standards and wellbeing. We have identified things we do well and shared them across the school, equally where areas for improvement have been identified we have addressed them purposefully and quickly.
This has been made possible because of the amazing staff at Mount Pleasant. Over the last 6 years they have committed whole heartedly to improving the school and improving outcomes for our children.
In March 2013 Estyn conducted a 4 day inspection of the school, they observed lessons, looked in books, spoke to staff, spoke to children, listened to children read, spoke to governors, looked at plans, checked policies and if time allowed stopped for a cup of tea- as you would expect they were rigorous!
The results of the inspection were excellent! To help you understand, in Estyn speak, excellent (or equivalent wording) is defined as being sector leading or in layman's terms- something not seen before.
Below we have selected some of the key sections from the report about our incredible little school. A big well done to everyone! Our next challenge- maintain and where possible improve!
About Standards in Literacy
They [Foundation Phase] have well developed vocabularies for their age and use appropriate specialist terms, for example in their mathematical development and in developing their knowledge and understanding of the world. Their reading skills are very good and they use them across the curriculum very effectively.
Throughout key stage 2, many pupils make excellent progress in using their reading skills. They enjoy reading and energetically discuss their favourite authors. Many speak confidently to ask and answer questions and to express opinions.
By the end of the key stage many pupils produce excellent examples of very well presented extended writing in English and across the curriculum.
About Standards in Numeracy
Pupils' numeracy skills are consistently good through the school. They are very well applied in science to measure, record and interpret data.
Many pupils have very good problem-solving skills in mathematics and in resolving questions and challenges logically in other subjects.
About Standards in ICT
Building on the solid start in Foundation Phase, nearly all pupils in key stage 2 develop their ICT skills to a high level which they use across the curriculum very successfully.
Many pupils plan their ICT tasks very effectively to match their purpose and audience.
They add and amend records in their own databases and explore patterns in the results in scientific experiments. They combine a variety of information and media to create and refine their own electronic ICT portfolios.
About our curriculum
The curriculum is broad, balanced and coherent. It meets the needs of different groups of pupils very effectively. The systematic planning of the curriculum ensures that learning builds well on what pupils already know and can do through a three year plan that maps areas and topics to be taught.
Planning for the development of pupils' of literacy, numeracy and ICT skills is very thorough and comprehensive. An outstanding feature is the way in which teachers map ICT skills extensively across the curriculum.
Provision for the development of Welsh skills is good. The enthusiastic approach of all staff supports pupils' positive attitudes towards learning a second language.
The provision for sustainable development is excellent and is a strength of the school. Pupils have a deep understanding of the reasons for re-using materials and conserving energy. Awareness of the need to protect their environment permeates everyday life in the school.
Planning for the development of pupils' of literacy, numeracy and ICT skills is very thorough and comprehensive. An outstanding feature is the way in which teachers map ICT skills extensively across the curriculum.
The provision for sustainable development is excellent and is a strength of the school. Pupils have a deep understanding of the reasons for re-using materials and conserving energy. Awareness of the need to protect their environment permeates everyday life in the school.
There is excellent provision for the awareness of ecological issues and for pupils to have a voice in judging the quality of education the school provides.
About teaching
Teachers involve pupils actively in choosing some of the content for each theme. Lessons are planned to include a range of tasks which provide a high level of challenge for pupils of all abilities. The school provides a very wide range of extra-curricular activities, outside visits and visitors, which enrich pupils' learning very successfully.
The overall quality of teaching has some very strong features, particularly in the very skilful way in which lessons are organised and taught in key stage 2. In the best examples, in classes for older pupils, teaching builds very effectively on prior learning and challenges and extends all pupils appropriately.
Teachers have very good knowledge of the subjects they teach and many make their lessons come to life, especially in mathematics and in ICT. They promote pupils' interests and understanding very effectively, for example in understanding mathematical laws and in expressing ideas clearly in English. A particular strength is the very well organised way in which learning support assistants work closely with teachers to extend the learning of specific pupils within all classes.
In many lessons, pupils learn well because of the high expectations that teachers have for them to succeed. The teaching builds confidence among all pupils to work hard and purposefully.
Provision for the development of Welsh skills is good. The enthusiastic approach of all staff supports pupils' positive attitudes towards learning a second language.
About Assessment
The school keeps very comprehensive records of progress and uses them extensively to predict the standards individual pupils and groups should reach. The information is also used rigorously to assess the success of teaching and the training needs of teachers.
Given the quality of education provided and the excellent standards achieved by the end of key stage 2, the school gives very good value for money.
About Leadership, Improvement and Partnerships
The school has an excellent ethos of continuous improvement that is well established and central to its strategic planning. There is a very clear focus on improving outcomes for pupils through an outstanding and very effective on-going systematic cycle of review that focuses on teaching, standards and the curriculum. A particular strength is the way in which the plan is continuously updated and modified in the light of new information.
The school has very rigorous and robust systems to collect, analyse and evaluate information from a wide range of reliable sources. Performance data is used very effectively to inform school improvement planning and to assess standards. The highly effective self-evaluation process fully engages on a termly basis all staff, parents, pupils and others with an active involvement with the school. This is of exceptional quality. Its impact on raising standards and in promoting a very strong shared sense of purpose and direction is clearly visible throughout the school.
All staff are involved fully in the process of school improvement and use the school improvement plan extremely effectively to achieve progress against the school's priorities. All team meetings have school improvement as a focus and all staff have a key role in implementing strategies for the desired improvements.
The school has exceptionally strong learning communities where good practice is shared extremely effectively within teams. All staff reflect extensively on their own practice and evaluate their impact on pupils' learning and wellbeing very critically.
A particularly strong feature is the enthusiastic way in which the school has become involved in sharing its practices with other schools locally and nationally.