How IIP and pupil voice has been implemented in the school
How investors in pupils and pupil voice has been implemented in the school
- Class displays (vision statements, reward and targets)
- Learning Stars display (with stars when they achieve a target)
- Topic Forums - School Council Forum - Podcasts
- Display in Hall (Teacher targets/School Target and reward)
- School Council - Eco Council - Peer Mediators
- Pupil Voice Awards for those achieving 3 stars
- Regular Pupil Voice assemblies (how is your voice improving the school)
- Finance assemblies (how money is spent in the school)
- Attendance Certificate (% attendance)
- Governors had a Q&A session with various pupils in an assembly
- Termly videos on what the children's targets are on the website
- Use of Twitter to promote pupil voice activities (class of the week/Award Award)
Children told us they wanted more; XBOX games...Climbing Wall...Yard equipment... (all earned)