Safeguarding Policy

Mount Pleasant Primary School
Safeguarding Policy



Purpose & Aims

School Ethos

Roles & Responsibilities

Training & Induction
Procedures for Managing Concerns

Working with Parents & Carers

Child Protection Conferences

Recording & Information Sharing

Safer Recruitment

Safer Working Practice

Managing Allegations against Staff

Other relevant policies

Statutory Framework




1 Recording books for reporting concerns






7 Induction checklist for staff & volunteers

Important contact details

Code of Ethical Practice for school staff

New staff confirmation of Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Whistle Blowing Code for issues relating to children and young people

Child protection flow chart overview



1.1 The purpose of Mount Pleasant Primary School's safeguarding policy is to ensure every child who is a registered pupil at our school is safe and protected from harm. This means we will always work to:
• Protect children and young people at our school from maltreatment;
• Prevent impairment of our children's and young people's health or development;
• Ensure that children and young people at our school grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care;
• Undertake that role so as to enable children and young people at our school to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully.

1.2 This policy will give clear direction to staff, volunteers, visitors and parents about the expected behaviour and our legal responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children at our school.

1.3 Our school fully recognises the contribution it can make to protect children from harm and supporting and promoting the welfare of all children who are registered pupils at our school. The elements of our policy are prevention, protection and support.

1.4 This policy applies to all pupils, staff, parents, governors, volunteers and visitors.


2.1 The child's welfare is of paramount importance. Our school will establish and maintain an ethos where pupils feel secure, are encouraged to talk, are listened to and are safe. Children at our school will be able to talk freely to any member of staff at our school if they are worried or concerned about something.

2.2 All staff and regular visitors will, either through training or induction, know how to recognise indicators of concern, how to respond to a disclosure from a child and how to record and report this information. We will not make promises to any child and we will not keep secrets. Every child will know what the adult will have to do with any information they have chosen to disclose.
(See Child Protection Policy)

2.3 Throughout our curriculum we will provide activities and opportunities for children to develop the skills they need to identify risks and stay safe. This will also be extended to include material that will encourage our children to develop essential life skills. The curriculum deals with safeguarding in two ways:
• Firstly, the curriculum, in subjects such as Personal and Social Education discusses relevant issues with the children. Topics include such themes as Drugs, Sex and Relationships and Stranger Danger. Children are encouraged to explore and discuss these issues.
• Secondly, the curriculum is designed so that safety issues within the subject are discussed and safe practices taught, such as using equipment properly in PE and Design and Technology. At all times there has to be appropriate staffing levels and when the curriculum is taken out of school appropriate and agreed pupil/adult ratios are maintained. (See risk assessments). The lead adult always assesses visits as to the level of risk and all trips are finally authorised by the DHT and Headteacher. Risk assessments are shared with supervising adults and children participating in visits outside school. Visiting speakers, with correct clearance are always welcome into school so that they can give specialist knowledge to the children.

2.4 At all times we will work in partnership and endeavour to establish effective working relationships with parents, carers and colleagues from other agencies.


Role Name Contact details
Senior Designated Professional Miss Fiona Rutledge
(Headteacher ) Mount Pleasant Primary School
TEL: 01633 894820
Alternate DSP Mr T Prewett (Deputy Headteacher) Mount Pleasant Primary School
TEL: 01633 894820
Headteacher Miss Fiona Rutledge Mount Pleasant Primary School
TEL: 01633 894820
Named Safeguarding Governor Mr Stephen Bowen Mount Pleasant Primary School
TEL: 01633 663796
Chair of Governors Mr Dilwyn Gurney TEL: 07917 707304

3.1 It is the responsibility of every member of staff, volunteer and regular visitor to our school to ensure that they carry out the requirements of this procedure and, at all times, work in a way that will safeguard and promote the welfare of all of the pupils at this school.

The Governing Body
3.2 The Governing Body of Mount Pleasant Primary School is accountable for ensuring the effectiveness of this policy and our compliance with it. Although our Governing Body takes collective responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of our pupils, we also have a named governor who champions safeguarding within the school.

3.3 The Governing Body will ensure that:

• The safeguarding policy is in place and is reviewed annually, is referred to in our school prospectus and has been written in line with Local Authority guidance.

• A member of the senior leadership team is designated to take the lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection and that there is an alternate and appropriately trained member of staff identified to deal with any issues in the absence of the senior designated professional;

• All staff have undertaken appropriate child protection training;

• Procedures are in place for dealing with allegations against members of staff and volunteers in line with statutory guidance;

• Safer recruitment practices are followed in accordance with the requirements of Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education, 2007.

• They remedy without delay any weakness in regard to our safeguarding arrangements that are brought to their attention.

3.4 The governing body will receive a safeguarding report termly that will record the training that has taken place, the number of staff attending and any outstanding training requirements for the school. It will also record all safeguarding activity that has taken place, for example, meetings attended, reports written, training or induction given. It will not identify individual pupils.

The Headteacher
3.5 At Mount Pleasant Primary School the Headteacher is responsible for:
• Identifying a member of the senior leadership team to be the Designated Senior Professional for safeguarding (DSP);
• Identifying an alternate member of staff to act as the Designated Senior Professional for safeguarding (DSP) in his/her absence;
• Ensuring that policies adopted by the governing body are fully implemented and followed by all staff;
• Ensuring that all staff and volunteers feel able to raise concerns about poor or unsafe practice and such concerns are addressed sensitively in accordance with agreed whistle-blowing procedures.

The Designated Senior Professional
3.6 Any concern for a child's safety or welfare will be recorded in writing and given to the DSP. Through appropriate training, knowledge and experience our DSP will liaise with Children's Services and other agencies where necessary, and make referrals of suspected abuse to Children's Services.

3.7 The DSP and alternate DSP at Mount Pleasant Primary School will represent our school at child protection conferences and core group meetings and will be responsible for ensuring that all staff members and volunteers are aware of our policy and the procedure they need to follow.

3.8 The DSP will maintain written records and child protection files ensuring that they are kept confidential and stored securely.

3.9 The DSP and alternate DSP will ensure that all staff, volunteers and regular visitors have received appropriate child protection information during induction.

4.1 When new staff, volunteers or regular visitors join our school they will be informed of the safeguarding arrangements in place. They will be given a copy of our school's safeguarding policy and told who our Designated Senior Professional for Safeguarding is. They will also be provided with the recording form, given information on how to complete it and who to pass it to.

4.2 Every new member of staff or volunteer will have an induction period that will include essential safeguarding information. This programme will include basic safeguarding information relating to signs and symptoms of abuse, how to manage a disclosure from a child, how to record and issues of confidentiality. The induction will also remind staff and volunteers of their responsibility to safeguard all children at our school and the remit of the role of the Senior Designated Professional.

4.3 New staff who have not had any child protection/safeguarding training or staff who have had training more than three years ago will be provided with an introduction to safeguarding and will then be trained with the rest of the staff team at least 3 yearly.

4.4 All regular visitors and volunteers to our school will be given a set of our safeguarding procedures; they will be informed of whom our DSP and alternate staff members are and what the recording and reporting system is. (See Appendix 2 and 4).

4.5 All members of staff will undertake appropriate safeguarding awareness training at least once every three years. The DSP, the alternate designated member of staff and any other senior member of staff who may be in a position of making referrals or attending child protection conferences or core groups will attend one of the multi-agency Child Protection training courses organised by Newport every two years.

4.6 Our governing body will also undertake appropriate training to ensure they are able to carry out their duty to safeguard all of the children at our school. Training for Governors to support them in their safeguarding role is available from Governor Support Services and also with staff within a 2-3 year period. This training will be given by Local Authority Child Protection Officer.

4.7 We actively encourage all of our SLT to keep up to date with the most recent local and national safeguarding advice and guidance. This can be accessed via Newport Safeguarding website: The DSP also provides staff at least annually with safeguarding updates.

5.1 Mount Pleasant Primary School adheres to child protection procedures that have been agreed locally through the Newport LA.

5.2 The Senior Designated Professional (DSP) should be used as a first point of contact for concerns and queries regarding any safeguarding concern in our school. If the DSP is not available, the alternate DSP should be contacted regarding any concerns.

5.3 It is not the responsibility of school staff to investigate welfare concerns or determine the truth of any disclosure or allegation. All staff, however, have a duty to recognise concerns and pass the information on in accordance with the procedures outlined in this policy. Any member of staff or visitor to the school who receives a disclosure of abuse or suspects that a child is at risk of harm must report it immediately to the DSP or, if unavailable, to the alternate designated person. In the absence of either of the above, the matter should be brought to the attention of the most senior member of staff.

5.4 All concerns about a child or young person should be reported without delay and recorded in writing using the class child protection information books.

5.5 Following receipt of any information raising concern, the DSP will consider what action to take and seek advice, as required, from the LA Child Protection Officer. All information and actions taken, including the reasons for any decisions made, will be fully documented.

5.6 All referrals will be made in line with Newport LA Children's Services procedures and forms.

5.7 Confidentiality must be maintained and information relating to individual pupils/families shared with staff on a strictly need to know basis.



6.1 Mount Pleasant Primary School is committed to working in partnership with parents/carers to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and to support them to understand our statutory responsibilities in this area.

6.2 When new pupils join our school, parents and carers will be informed that we have a safeguarding policy. A copy will be provided to parents on request and is referenced in the school prospectus. Parents and carers will be informed of our legal duty to assist our colleagues in other agencies with child protection enquiries and what happens should we have cause to make a referral to Children's Services.

6.3 We are committed to working with parents positively, openly and honestly. We ensure that all parents are treated with respect, dignity and courtesy. We respect parents' rights to privacy and confidentiality and will not share sensitive information unless we have permission or it is necessary to do so in order to safeguard a child from harm.

6.4 We will seek to share with parents any concerns we may have about their child unless to do so may place a child at increased risk of harm. A lack of parental engagement or agreement regarding the concerns the school has about a child will not prevent the DSP making a referral to Children's Services in those circumstances where it is appropriate to do so.

7.1 Children's Services will convene a Child Protection conference once a child protection enquiry under Section 47 of the Children Act 1989 has been undertaken and the child is judged to be at continuing risk of significant harm. A review conference will take place once a child has been made the subject of a Child Protection Plan in order to monitor the safety of the child and the required reduction in risk.

7.2 Staff members may be asked to attend a child protection conference or core group meetings on behalf of the school in respect of individual children. Usually the person representing the school at these meetings will be the Headteacher or DSP. In any event, the person attending will need to have as much relevant up to date information about the child as possible.

7.3 All reports for child protection conferences / core group meetings will be prepared in advance using the education report template provided by Newport LA Child Protection Officer. The information contained in the report will include information relating to the child's physical, emotional and intellectual development and the child's presentation at school. In order to complete such reports, all relevant information will be sought from staff working with the child in school.

7.4 Clearly child protection conferences can be upsetting for parents. We recognise that we are likely to have more contact with parents than other professionals involved. We will work in an open and honest way with any parent whose child has been referred to Children's Services or whose child is subject to a child protection plan. Our responsibility is to promote the protection and welfare of all children and our aim is to achieve this in partnership with our parents.

8.1 If staffs are concerned about the welfare or safety of any child at our school they will record their concern in the agreed class child protection information book. They should ensure that the information is signed and dated. Any concerns should be passed to the DSP without delay.

8.2 Any information recorded will be kept in a separate named file, in a secure cabinet and not with the child's academic file. These files will be the responsibility of the DSP. Child protection information will only be shared within school on the basis of ‘need to know in the child's interests' and on the understanding that it remains strictly confidential.

8.3 Child protection information will only be kept in the file and this file will be kept up to date. Records of concern, copies of referrals, invitations to child protection conferences, core groups and reports will be stored here.

8.4 When a child leaves our school, the DSP will make contact with the DSP at the new school and will ensure that the child protection file is forwarded to the receiving school in an appropriately agreed manner.

8.5 In the event of a pupil being taken to hospital from the school site or any school related event |(school trip, sports matches, residentials, etc.) school needs to inform education.safeguarding by email as soon as possible with a brief outline of the circumstances.

9.1 At all times the Headteacher and Governing Body will ensure that safer recruitment practices are followed in accordance with the requirements of Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education, 2007.

9.2 At Mount Pleasant Primary School we will use the recruitment and selection process to deter and reject unsuitable candidates. Safer recruitment means that all applicants will:

 complete an application form
 provide two referees, including at least one who can comment on the applicant's suitability to work with children
 provide evidence of identity and original qualifications
 be checked through the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS)
 be interviewed

All new members of staff will undergo an induction that includes familiarisation with the school's safeguarding and child protection policy and identification of their own safeguarding and child protection training needs. All staff sign to confirm they have received a copy of the child protection policy (see: appendix 5).

9.3 We will maintain a Single Central Register of all safer recruitment checks carried out in line with statutory requirements.

10.1 All adults who come into contact with our children have a duty of care to safeguard and promote their welfare. There is a legal duty placed upon us to ensure that all adults who work with or on behalf of our children are competent, confident and safe to do so.

10.2 All staff will have access to and be expected to know our school's Code of Conduct and policy for positive handling. There will be occasion when some form of physical contact is inevitable, for example if a child has an accident or is hurt or is in a situation of danger to themselves or others around them. However, at all times the agreed policy for safe restraint must be adhered to. A list of staff that have accessed Team Teach training will be kept by the Headteacher.

10.3 If staff, visitors, volunteers or parent helpers are working with children alone they will, wherever possible, be visible to other members of staff. They will be expected to inform another member of staff of their whereabouts in school, who they are with and for how long. Doors, ideally, should have a clear glass panel in them and be left open.

10.4 Guidance about acceptable conduct and safe practice will be given to all staff and volunteers during induction. These are sensible steps that every adult should take in their daily professional conduct with children. This advice can be found in Safer Working Practices for Adults who work with Children and Young People in Education Settings, DCSF, March 2009. All staff and volunteers are expected to carry out their work in accordance with this guidance and will be made aware that failure to do so could lead to disciplinary action.

11.1 Our aim is to provide a safe and supportive environment which secures the well being and very best outcomes for the children at our school. We do recognise that sometimes the behaviour of adults may lead to an allegation of abuse being made.

11.2 Allegations sometimes arise from a differing understanding of the same event, but when they occur they are distressing and difficult for all concerned. We also recognise that many allegations are genuine and there are some adults who deliberately seek to harm or abuse children.

11.3 We will take all possible steps to safeguard our children and to ensure that the adults in our school are safe to work with children. We will always ensure that we follow Newport LA policy : Managing Allegations of abuse made against Adults who work with Children and Young People in Education and the relevant Department for Education guidance is adhered to and will seek appropriate advice from the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO). The LADO can be contacted on 01633 235664.

11.4 If an allegation is made or information is received about an adult who works in our setting which indicates that they may be unsuitable to work with children, the member of staff receiving the information should inform the Headteacher immediately. Should an allegation be made against the Headteacher, this will be reported to the Chair of Governors. In the event that the Headteacher or Chair of Governors is not contactable on that day, the information must be passed to and dealt with by either the member of staff acting as Headteacher or the Vice Chair of Governors.

11.5 The Headteacher or Chair of Governors will seek advice from the LADO within one working day. No member of staff or the governing body will undertake further investigations before receiving advice from the LADO.

11.6 Any member of staff or volunteer who does not feel confident to raise their concerns with the Headteacher or Chair of Governors should contact the LADO directly.

12.1 To underpin the values and ethos of our school and our intent to ensure that pupils at our school are appropriately safeguarded the following policies are also included under our safeguarding umbrella:
• Child Protection Policy
• Health and Safety including site security
• First Aid
• Anti-Bullying
• Positive Handling and use of force
• Positive Behaviour management
• Staff Code of Conduct
• Whistle-blowing
• Attendance
• E-safety
• Equalities Strategic Plan
• Toileting Guidelines
• Educational visits
• Policy statement for bringing and collecting children from school (School Prospectus).



This policy has been devised in accordance with the following legislation and guidance:

• Working Together to Safeguard Children, 2010
• Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education', DfES 2007
• Managing Allegations of abuse made against Adults who work with Children and Young People in Education at Newport City Council
• Dealing with Allegations of Abuse against Teachers and other Staff, DfE, October 2012
• Safer Working Practices for Adults who work with Children and Young People in Education Settings, DCSF, March 2009.
• Safeguarding Children in Education


Equality of opportunity is at the core of education at Mount Pleasant Primary School. Every pupil regardless of race, background, language, gender or ability will be equally valued and have full access to our curriculum, Equal will not always mean ‘the same'. The school recognises that the resources required to create equality of opportunity will mean that some individuals and groups require differentiated support. In regards to safeguarding all children are treated equally. The protection and safeguarding of all children is paramount.


The school is aware of its responsibilities (under Section 26 of the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 and the Prevent Duty Guidance) to safeguard pupils at risk of radicalisation. The school does this by:
• Providing a safe environment for pupils to talk about issues that may concern them, including sensitive topics such as terrorism and extremist ideology.
• Identifying and risk assessing individuals who may be drawn into terrorism, violent or non-violent extremism.
• Knowing how to complete a Channel referral and how to seek support for the child/young person
• Ensuring all staff receive appropriate training and have the knowledge and confidence to identify pupils at risk of being drawn into terrorism and extremism and challenge extremist ideas.
• Ensuring children are safe from terrorist and extremist material when accessing the internet in school, including having in place appropriate levels of filtering.

Mandatory reporting of FGM
The school is aware of its duty to report known cases of FGM to the police.

This Policy was adopted / updated by the Governing Body of Mount Pleasant Primary School

Headteacher: Miss Fiona Rutledge

Link Governor: Mr Stephen Bowen

Chair of Governors: Mr D Gurney

Date adopted: April 2016

Reviewed:......September 2017

Chair of Governors







Appendix 1

Raising a concern about a pupil's safety and welfare

Details of concern or disclosure. It is important to record what has been seen and or said accurately. Staff are to record concern or disclosure in the Child Protection Class Information Book. Staff need to record, name of pupils, date and sign any notes made. (Record what the child has actually said) . This information needs to be passed onto the Head teacher or DSP.
Skin Map for recording Injuries


Appendix 2

Safeguarding Induction Sheet for new or supply staff and
regular visitors or volunteers.

We all have a statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, and at our school we take this responsibility seriously.

If you have any concerns about a child or young person in our school, you must share this information immediately with our Senior Designated Professional or one of the alternate post holders.

Do not think that your worry is insignificant if it is about hygiene, appearance or behaviour - we would rather you told us as we would rather know about something that appears small than miss a worrying situation.

If you think the matter is very serious and may be related to child protection, for example, physical, emotional, sexual abuse or neglect, you must find one of the designated professionals detailed below and provide them with a written record of your concern. A copy of the form to complete is available in the School Office. Please ensure you complete all sections as described.

If you are unable to locate them ask a member of the school office staff to find them and to ask them to speak with you immediately about a confidential and urgent matter.

Any allegation concerning a member of staff, a child's foster carer or a volunteer should be reported immediately to the Headteacher. If an allegation is made about the Headteacher you should pass this information to the Chair of the Governing Body. Alternatively, you can contact the Local Authority Designated Officer on 01633 235664 or email

The people you should talk to in school are:

Designated Senior Professional : Miss Fiona Rutledge (Headteacher)

Alternate Designated Senior Professional : Mr T Prewett (Deputy Headteacher)

Chair of Governing Body: Mr D Gurney

At Mount Pleasant Primary school we strive to safeguard and promote the welfare of all of our children.






Appendix 3

Important Contact Details

Newport Civic Centre : 01633-656656

Social Services DAT: 01633 235644

Social Services e-mail address:

Out of Hours contact: 0800 328 4432

Central Police Station: 01633-838111

Child Protection Officer: Nicola Davies 01633-235664 /

























Appendix 4

Code of ethical practice for school staff

All school staff are valued members of the school community. Everyone is expected to set and maintain the highest standards for their own performance, to work as part of a team and to be an excellent role model for our children.

All school staff should:
 place the safety and welfare of children above all other considerations
 treat all members of the school community, including children, parents, colleagues and governors with consideration and respect
 adhere to the principles and procedures contained in the policies in our safeguarding portfolio and in teaching and learning policies
 treat each child as an individual and make adjustments to meet individual need
 demonstrate a clear understanding of and commitment to non-discriminatory practice
 recognise the power imbalances between children and staff, and different levels of seniority of staff and ensure that power and authority are never misused
 be alert to, and report appropriately, any behaviour that may indicate that a child is at risk of harm
 encourage all children to reach their full potential
 never condone inappropriate behaviour by children or staff
 take responsibility for their own continuing professional development
 refrain from any action that would bring the school into disrepute
 To support members of staff implementing training by actively listening and participating in training.
 value themselves and seek appropriate support for any issue that may have an adverse effect on their professional practice.

Staff name








Appendix 5

New Staff Confirmation of receipt of safeguarding children and child protection policy



Date of joining school:



Date of induction:

Name and designation of staff member responsible for induction:


I confirm that I have received and read the school child protection policy.
I have been made aware of my duty to safeguard and promote children's welfare.
The procedure for reporting concerns about a child has been explained to me.




Please sign and return this form to the Designated Senior Professional :

Appendix 6

Whistle blowing code for issues relating to children and young people

When to use the code

The whistle blowing procedures and this code may be used by anyone employed by the school in a paid or voluntary capacity who believes they have reason to suspect that the conduct of an employee towards a child is inappropriate. Inappropriate conduct includes, but is not confined to:

 bullying or humiliation
 contravening health and safety guidelines
 serious breaches of the school's code of ethical practice
 professional practice that falls short of normally accepted standards
 compromising pupils' welfare but in a way that does not meet the threshold for child protection intervention.

Reasons for blowing the whistle

Staff will naturally be reticent to report a concern about the conduct of a colleague. However, each individual must take responsibility for ensuring that children are fairly treated. If poor practice is allowed to continue unchecked, it could escalate with serious consequences.

Your action not only protects children, but also deters any suggestion that you have colluded with poor practice that you knew was occurring but chose to ignore.

Whistle blowing can also support the member of staff who is the subject of the concern. Their conduct may result from inexperience or lack of training that can be addressed by the school, or they may be under stress and be relieved when their conduct is questioned.

Staff who deliberately fail children and show no remorse or desire to improve are unlikely to welcome being exposed, but their conduct has to be confronted for the sake of the child and the reputation of the whole school.







Appendix 6

Receipt of receiving Child Protection file/ LAC file (delete as appropriate)



Date of receiving file/confidential information:



I confirm that I have received child protection file/LAC file for.............................................................

I understand that the information passed onto me is confidential and will be kept in a secure locked cupboard in line with the Child Protection procedures of the school.




Please sign and return this form to the Designated Senior Professional

