About Us
The PTA raises funds throughout the year by organising and running events such as discos, fairs and raffles. This money pays for resources or experiences that enhance pupils’ education and enjoyment.
Last year we purchased 2 Smart TVs for classrooms, provided repairs and new markings for the playground and funded food at the year 6 Leavers events.
As a parent/guardian of a child in the school you are a member of the PTA and we rely on your volunteered time to organise and run events, raising as much money as possible each year. We are always happy to see new faces at our regular meetings, come along and share your ideas.
The PTA is co-ordinated by the elected officer team who are appointed at the AGM each year.
The AGM was held on 27/09/2021 where the following individuals were elected for this school year:
Chairperson - Kirsty Duffield (3rd year in position) – mum of George, Year 5 and Zoe, Year 1.
Deputy Chairperson - Lucy Durston-Birt (3rd year in position)- mum of Ewan, Year 3.
Secretary- Helena Hopkins (1st year in position) mum of Caleb, Reception.
Treasurer- Sandra Grant (ongoing) School Business Manager.
Committee members: Liz Rogers – mum of Dylan, Year 5; Sian Heaton – mum of Jacob, Year 5, and Lauren Year 2; Rachel Rusgys – mum of Euan, Year 4.
Match funding
Match funding is a simple way to maximise the fundraising efforts of the PTA volunteers. It is an informal, albeit corporate, arrangement between a company and an employee. Usually, a company pledges to match a sum of money relating to the amount the employee has either raised or donated to a charity. It is likely that there will be an upper limit and certain criteria applied.
For example, last year, a PTA member volunteered at an event, provided a copy of paying in slip (proving funds raised) to her employer, filled in a form at work and received a £200 cheque for the PTA! Minimal effort required - corporate funds donated!
Please take a few minutes to check if your employer match funds – it is an easy way to raise funds for the school.
Pre-loved uniform
We sell pre-loved school logo jumpers and cardigans. Get in touch with details of what you are looking for and we’ll do our best to help. We also take donations of GREAT QUALITY, BRANDED jumpers and cardigans to sell. If you have items to donate, let us know.
News and contact
For all the latest news and events please follow us on Facebook, search for @ptamountpleasant.
E mail ptamountpleasant@gmail.com
Coming up…
PTA MEETING – Monday 15th November 2021 @ 7.45pm via Zoom