PTA Minutes 17.10.2019

Meeting Note

Mount Pleasant Primary School PTA Meeting

17th October 2019 at 3:30pm in Staff room


  1. Apologies from Ays Harper & Kristie Hanton


  1. Minutes of last meeting approved and published on webpage


  1. Actions from last meeting, no actions.
    1. Correspondence received: KD returned form 11/10/19 re: Summer Raffle to Newport Council (in accordance with small lotteries licence) confirmation of receipt from Newport council.
    2. Chris Evan contacted PTA and it was agreed for him to run an article in his grassroots column in the Argus.
    3. Amy Maidment sent an email re: Amazon funds – Agreed to ask Amy to look into this in more depth and provide information. The PTA are happy to support this as appears to be no outlay of costs. (SG to speak to Amy about this. Amy/SG to provide a further update)


  1. Finance update (Treasurer)
    1. £115 raised from the Halloween costume and pre-loved uniform sale at parents’ consultations. The PTA are still happy to receive branded only uniform and will sell through their facebook page.


  1. Next event status
    1. Disco Wednesday 23rd October
      1. The Autumn Disco will be held on a Wednesday due to the limited availability of DJ’s.
      2. Donations have been sought from Warburton’s (100 Bread rolls); Tesco Risca (100Hotdogs); Tesco Rogerstone (fresh treats) & Morrison’s (items TBC). LDB will Liaise with KH on Monday/Tuesday regarding stock to be purchased once all donations have been received.
  • Request for helpers. A request will also go out via fabcebook. Dillwyn Gurney has offered help.


  1. Future events planning

Christmas Fayre date Friday 29th November (only availability school has due to concerts)

  1. People asked to own a stall to create it and provide prizes. Any money spent will be refunded when receipts provided. Sorrell Roberts and Rebecca Thomas agreed to create a game.
  2. Is it a possibility for the pupils to create items to sell at the fayre? SG would raise with teachers.
  3. Julie Harries has agreed to Co-ordinate raffle. Ceri Champan has offered help. JH to be provided with a copy of the fund raising letter. Rebecca Thomas offered tennis lesson and Sorrell offered a cut & blow dry.
  4. Agreed to offer local businesses a stall at Fayre (£10/ donation). A post to go out on facebook to gauge interest. KD
  5. Sweet Cups to be created by children and sold at the fayre.
  6. Personalised tea towels from Stuart Morris was discussed. 270 children in the school. Portraits of children, drawn by children would fit on 1 teatowel and we could sell for a cost of £3.50 each. 200 tea towels: £356 outlay, sell at £3.50 each, profit £344 (including £7 postage on box, max 400) There is 4-6 week wait once ordered. It was agreed this was a good idea. LDB to look into last date needed to order.


  1. Penny Wars - PTA trophy for winner – it was agreed this was a good idea and it will be looked into in the new year.


  1. Additional funds ideas:

School e mailed for “wishlist” on 23/9, no ideas received.

SG suggested school needed additional outdoor play equipment (climbing systems - trim trail) and is able to provide details of a company to purchase this.

committee asked for ideas:-

  • scooter/ bike rack – happy for individuals to research and bring details to next meeting
  • piano, LDB to provide details
  • Teacher asked: - E mail to each class teacher for ideas?).

PTA to email classroom teachers for ideas; nursery would like outdoor blocks (KD to follow up)


SG confirmed that the school purchased 60 violins with PTA money a few years ago. The possible re-instatement of lessons to be explored.


  1. AOB

JH made members aware that she has raised with the governing body the need for a holiday club at the school. She was asked to provide an update when she receives a response from the governors.


  1. Next meeting date: Thursday 14th November at 3:30pm in the staffroom. Children welcome.