Application form

If you would like to be involved in the Eco Committee next year then please print this form, fill it in and return to Miss Morgan.





Mount Pleasant Primary School Eco Committee Application Form


Pupil Information





Tell us more

Why do you want to be on the Mount Pleasant Eco Committee? What can you bring to the Eco Committee?





Tick which Eco areas you are interested in and tell us briefly why.

­­­­__­ Energy


 Waste Minimisation

 Healthy Living


 School Grounds

 Global Citizenship



Special Skills and Interests

Tell us about any special skills and interests that you have that you can bring to the Eco Committee.


Previous Experience

Tell us about any experience that you have that would be useful as a member of our Eco Committee.


Agreement and Signature

By handing in this application form, I confirm that what I have said about myself is true. I understand that if I am accepted as a member of the Eco Committee, then I must work hard and help in any way that I can to support the school to become a more environmentally friendly place.

Name (printed)







Thank you for completing this application form,

Miss Morgan