Friday 24th September
Joining details will be texted out on the day of the meeting.
"Rogerstone Rangers JFC are working in partnership with Sports Xtra to provide a training squad for children in school year 1 (2021/22). Any girl or boy in school year 1 is eligible to join and the squad will train every Saturday during term time. Over the course of the season, Sports Xtra's professional coaches will prepare the squad to play matches during the 2022/23 season as Rogerstone Rangers Under 7's whilst helping parent volunteers to become qualified and experienced to take the team forward as coaches (Rogerstone Primary, 9am-10am each Saturday).
Spaces are strictly limited to ensure that all children are given the attention to learn and have fun. To book your place in the initial taster block follow this link:
RECYLING BATTERIES - The collection box is just inside the main reception door.
COVID-19 update
This week , the IMT (Incident Management Team) made up of local authority and Public Health Wales professionals advised that all Newport schools should move to the ‘moderate level’ identified on the Schools Intervention Framework. We were previously operating at a low level until this point.
Our risk assessment has been updated and is available on our school website. Please continue to wear facemasks on school site and adhere to the one way system entering and exiting the school from the main gates.
Please continue to be alert for signs and symptoms of Covid-19 and contact school via if your child or someone in your household tests positive.
If you or your child start to feel unwell, no matter how mild the symptoms are, you/your child should stay away from school and get a PCR test.
Thank you
Class Dojo
It has been observed that some parents are using Class Dojo to report sickness absence along with lengthy communication regarding concerns or issues the school office need to be aware of. Please could all parents make sure that sickness absence or lengthy emails regarding concerns are sent directly to the address. Class Dojo is such a wonderful platform for us to access, the primary purpose is to celebrate and share the success of our pupils.