PTA Meeting Minutes - 26.05.2022

Mount Pleasant PTA Meeting Minutes

Date: Thursday 26th May 7pm
Meeting Type: ZOOM digital meeting

Attendees: Helena Hopkins, Kirsty Duffield, Lucy Durston Birt, Mrs Chorley, Jen Reilly

Apologies: Mrs Grant, Mr Prewett

Finance Update:

Ø  Balance: £2133.93

Ø  Profit:

§  Mother’s Day stalls: £421.54

§  Easter hunt: £204.11

§  Preloved uniform £21

Ø  Debit:

§  Annual lottery licence renewal -£20

Ø  Event Feedback: Positive from Easter trail and stalls


The Next Event

Ø  Father’s Day stalls Thurs 16/6 and Fri 17/6.  Volunteers to be recruited nearer the time (focus on Nursery and Reception in first instance). Kirsty, Lucy, and Helena to set date to purchase stock – propose 27th May

Ø  Music Extravaganza 7/7 PTA support: Book pizza van – this was very popular last time. Some vendors approached e.g., Stone and Slice but are only available on weekends. Team to also approach other vendors e.g., Tin Can Kitchen, Little Dragon Pizza and possibly take pre-orders for the event. Also look to hire an ice cream van

Ø  Support for Year 6 leavers event – PTA agree to support food purchase as per last year’s event e.g., Tin Can Kitchen or another food provider of choice.  UPDATE: leavers event to be a bowling trip this year, PTA to support.

Ø  Discussion around Autumn Disco that could be held in October before half term. Also discussed reintroducing Movie nights that had positive feedback before covid restrictions. These can be put forward and committed to in the September AGM

Wishlist for Funds’

Ø  Planters for outside Years 3-6 classrooms; Reception and Year 1 Miss Curtis. Mrs Chorley spoke to Mrs Smith and Miss Curtis re: positioning of raised beds. 

Ø  Replacement of pergola by year1/ 2 corner of school – cost provided of £1300, landlord permission and paperwork required.  Discussion and consensus that a new pergola not to be funded by PTA, parents tend to use it more than children.  Could this be taken down and left as benches? Mrs Chorley to propose this to teachers.



Ø  Permanent netball posts proposed for yr5/6 yard £254.99 each:

Positive reaction from school and parents to these being bought and installed on year 5/6 yard.  KD to put forward to SG, enquiring about installation quote.

Any other business (AOB)

Ø  Recruitment

§  Committee members for 2022/23 school year. Poor uptake and poor general parent attendance at PTA meetings. Kirsty and Lucy to step down this year. Helena and Jen have volunteered to support with the core PTA activities; however, they will need additional core members and more general support from parents. If unsuccessful this may result in the dispersal of the PTA

§  Fliers to be distributed to Nursery and reception specifically on Dojo for recruitment drive

§  Another flier to be distributed to the remaining year groups on Dojo

Ø  A parent put forward a suggestion on Messenger to fund SEN motor skills play equipment for the school. More information has been requested for further details and costings from the parent to put the proposal forward

Ø  Dogs Trust “Safe behaviour around dogs” free workshop – parent tagged PTA as this may be useful for children.  KD made contact and forwarded details to Sandra Grant for discussion with the leadership team.