Friday 4th Sept

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Welcome back to the start of the autumn term. It has been so lovely to see all of our children back in class in their smart uniform and ready for learning. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support in following procedures to accommodate increased numbers on site.

Please could everyone continue to arrive at school at their allocate times and remember not to arrive too early to avoid congestion and gatherings. It is vitally important that parents adhere to social distancing. Thank you to everyone who is keeping 2 metres apart on school site and not congregating in groups. You have all been so supportive in aiding us to return to school safely.

I’d like to inform you of some exciting news! Ms Luckwell has been successful in gaining a leadership position at Lliswerry Primary school as ALENCO. I’m sure you’ll all agree this is well deserved. Miss Curtis has joined the Mount Pleasant Team and teaching in our new Reception Class. Miss Morgan and Miss Whitehead have also joined our staff as teaching assistants. I wish them all much success as they embark on this exciting stage in their careers. You may have noticed that Mr Macey is back and teaching in Year 4, Mrs Fells is currently working from home.

 I expect that over the next couple of months we will be solving problems, finding solutions at short notice and supporting each other as we develop our systems to keep everyone safe and well in the new ‘norm’.

I’d like to thank you all in anticipation of your support. I will do everything I can to keep you updated with any changes to routines, personnel and guidance.

Thank you all for your kind welcome back messages, by working together we have made the start of the term a successful one. I’d particularly like to thank the Staff at Mount Pleasant who have worked tirelessly throughout the summer break on planning the learning environment, completing risk assessments, and making it safe for our pupils to return to school.

Kind regards

Fiona Rutledge



YEAR'S 1 & 2 

One change we have had to make over the first two days is to the way in which Year 1 and 2 will operate. The learning environment and structure of the building means that Year 1 and 2 will now need to form  a larger 'contact group' (or 'bubble'). This means that they will be accessing their cloakroom, outdoor spaces and playgrounds at the same time. This remains well within current Welsh Government guidelines and restrictions and will ensure that operationally, we can ensure that learning is maximised. All other year groups will continue as previously, with no mixing.